Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Internet nudists?

Ok so before I get into the subject of the blog, I want catch people up on what's been going on in my life and why I haven't updated since January. My semester has been pretty laid back, but getting my research going and applying to grad school has taken up most of my time. I am happy to report that I have been accepted to grad school, so I will be relocating in the fall. It is a bundle of emotions I can't even begin to describe. It also hit me the other day that I will be 27 years old this year. Can I still be considered a young nudist in my late twenties? Probably, but a college-aged nudist? Probably stretching it a bit, since my Mom jokingly reminded me that I could be a doctor, so maybe I'm holding on to this title for dear life.

I was in various web forums a few weeks ago while I couldn't sleep one night, and I came across an interesting thought, although not a revolutionary one. There were a lot of 18-25 year old "nudists" in these forums. It wasn't like when I was 18 and on these forums and there would be a few here and there, but the majority of these naturists forums were dominated with people that were 18-25. This made me think as to the many theories why this age group does not get involved with real world naturist activities, and I came to my own conclusion; I believe the reason why is because of the Internet they found this lovely community, but they have already found people like them in a safe environment. Many people praise the Internet, such as myself, but there are times where we should put our computers to sleep and interact with real people. Pretty soon there will be a virtual nudist resort, as ridiculous as that sounds.

Sometimes it astounds me with how much the Internet can breed a false sense of extroversion. People think that they can be social and they talk to people all over the world and still be able to be the shy person that doesn't say much when they are out in the real world. We should remember that in this day and age we meet people twice first on the Internet and second in person, or vise versa. So get out and meet people! Go to naturist resorts and gatherings while they are still there to enjoy!

Stay Naked

