Monday, December 14, 2009

Not as active as I would have liked

With visions of linguistics dancing in my head and paying my bills; I would have to admit the topic of naturism had not come up. Not to say I haven't discussed the topic, infact, sometimes it is the main subject at hand. Even my friend whom I hadn't seen in a while wants to give naturism a second try and possibly wanting to put something together. That notion surprised me, because I would have never thought I a million years that people my age would be this intrigued about naturism. It is still a conversation starter, "Nick's a nudist," which always starts some type of questions.

I often am amazed of how much a reaction I get when I just tell people that I go to naked camp or naked parties. More often than not the response is "I want to go to naked camp/parties." I find it fascinating that when I say naked instead of nudist or naturist people understand the concept easier. I think that this is because of the removal of labels. I firmly believe that the younger generations want to be apart of a larger community, they're just not as quick to label themselves at times. Sometimes I wish there was a quick method to get people to participate in naturism, but really there isn't. In this day of instant gratification we must not expect this solution to happen overnight. I am still an advocate about talking to people about the lifestyle, because even if a person isn't interested they know a person or will meet someone who is. I just feel that we do not have to march and protest to be advocates all we have to do is discuss what we care about to other people.

I think I am rambling now, so I wanted the blog to be more active but it apparently is a slow going process I wanted to try adding just one person to see how it goes, but it looks like it will take one more person to make things more active since we all have hectic lives. Here is to hoping three is a better mix.

Stay Naked
