Tuesday, July 8, 2008


I hope everyone had a good holiday and spent at least sometime with your clothes off. I on the other hand worked the whole weekend, but I can pay bills now so I guess it wasn't all bad. My work schedule has been so up and down recently that I almost forgot to post, since I haven't had a real day to just sit around and relax for awhile.

I don't know if I mentioned it in my last post or not, but my friend and I are trying to plan a naked get together; we haven't really talked about it yet, but hopefully we will soon with conflicting schedules it can become hard to plan something sometimes. I've never really been the host type, so I'm really seeing how much work it actually takes to putting these kind of things together especially when I work weekends.

I got the opportunity to meet one of my internet friends a few weeks ago. We had been talking off and on for awhile, so it was really nice to finally meet him. I always find meeting people that I talk to over emails over an extended amount of time before I actually meet them is a very interesting experience for me. Simply because I already know them to some extent but I don't know them because I could barely pick them out of a crowd.

Well that's all for this week I'm going to try and be better about these posts. Until next time...

Stay Naked

