Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Ok I KNOW I have updated since April. This has happened before where I make a post and the thing doesn't end up posting. Oh well. My apologies for the large gap in posts, I should keep on it more diligently. Recently I have lost my drive for getting people involved with naturism. I just feel like the current methodology is cult like and I'm not trying to show people a new, better way of life I'm just trying to show them a positive alternative from their usual day to day lives. I've just felt like Naturism has done so much for me that I felt that I should give back to the community in some way shape or form, but with the recent decline in the economy,

I feel that my efforts should be shifted to keep members that are already in the community to continue to support their local clubs or organizations they belong to. I noticed that, for example, the GNI gathering went up in cost this year, which doesn't surprise me it was bound to happen, but with the economy the way that it is I get worried that membership will decline because people just can't afford to do these things. I have met so many people that want to be apart of GNI, but can't afford it that I've been trying to come up with ways, in whatever spare time I have left, to support the organization so that more people can come enjoy what GNI has to offer that normally couldn't. Now how would a struggling college student do that? You might ask, well my response is I'm working on it. I've been throwing some ideas around that i will hopefully have put together soon, before my life gets taken over with school again. Until then ....

Stay Naked
