Thursday, August 21, 2008

The gathering

Since my last post I have been working to pay bills before I left for the gathering and this year I've been helping out a lot, so that means little time to sit down and put my thoughts down.

In days leading up to the gathering; the word priorities come to mind. The thought process all started because recently my boyfriend asked me just how important naturism is in my life and how do I see future partners being apart of naturism. This really made me think. Of course in a perfect world I would like future partners to be naturists, but this world is far from perfect. At the time I told him that I wouldn't force the issue if they didn't want to be apart of it then that would be fine, because at my age, it's really hard to find a peer to come with me to a naked event let alone find a boyfriend that would want to do it.

After that event took place I started to think more about the topic at hand. I started to think about how my boyfriend, if he chooses not to participate in going to GNI with me, then he will never meet people that are very close to me and will never see a very important side of me. It just seems like I often struggle between my life with clothes on and off. When I'm at GNI I feel like I'm home and I can be myself. When I'm at a naturist event period I feel like myself, so someone be with me without truely knowing that side of me?

This issue just stems down to fear. Fear for me because it's hard to balance my ideals and my happiness. I don't want to judge someone just because of one character flaw and I don't want my ideals to force me to end up as some naked spinster. Fear for him because it's something new and some people just don't try new things as easily as other people, which is why I've started to really try and promote naturism to an audience that actually have an interest in it and not try and "convert" people that have absolutly no interest in naturism at all.

I guess I just have to stop thinking about this and start enjoying camp

Stay Naked
