Monday, May 26, 2008

After relaxing....

So after my very hard semester, it's very nice to take a few days and just unwind. After that I redecorated my apartment, and had a small cooking disaster which left my apartment smelling like fried chicken for a few days. It is now summer in Chicago and I am happy all except for the lack of naturist culture in chicago. If this city had a nude beach I would be planting my roots right now, but since they do not I will have to find another place I can settle. For now I will use the city for what I need which is drinking alcohol, working, and going to school. After spending a few naked days in my apartment I thought to myself how nice would it be if I could just live like this 24/7, because right now I have to get ready for work and I really just don't want to put clothes on and this sort of forces me to be a hermit and that doesn't really bother me considering how much people have annoyed me for the past few days.

On a good note I passed all my classes and that is a HUGE sigh of relief, and in true college fashion I celebrated for a few days. Now I'm ready for the tourists to get to Chicago so I can have some money again, because I'm sort of broke :-). Anyways not much to say about Naturism in general in this post, maybe something will inspire me this week.

Stay Naked
